Banking & Financial Services

Articulating Corporate Strategy for a leading bank in India

Client Challenge

The client, a leading Indian bank with presence across retail, wholesale and agri business had prepared in isolation strategy for each of the business verticals. However at the group level, the strategy cascade was not clearly defined leading to issues in alignment and actions. Also the country’s banking regulator wanted the bank to clearly answer key strategic questions including aspects such as corporate governance, risks and technology interventions.

The client wanted to articulate group level strategy and then identify strategic levers / KPIs for each vertical.

Our Approach

To understand the strategy of the bank and the link between the group strategy and the individual business vertical levers, UC adopted the following approach:


  • Conducted indepth discussion with the senior management on the overall group level objectives and the business segments
  • Developed strategy summary snapshots for the group and individual segments basis discussions with the senior management
  • Conducted indepth discussions with segment heads to understand their alignment with group strategic objectives and their respective KPIs
  • Drafted a detailed strategy document outlining the strategy map, segment overview, key drivers, key differentiators and the objectives for the next 3 years
  • A word document was prepared outlining the detailed strategy for submission to the banking regulator

Our Impact

The client received a detailed strategy ppt document and a word document with insights into the corporate level objectives and alignment with the individual business segments