Ports & Logistics

Defining a Strategic Roadmap for Shortlisted Business Opportunities

Client Challenge

The client, having recently sold its stake in a leading logistics company, was evaluating various business opportunities across diversified sectors. In phase 1 of the engagement, UC helped the client shortlist 3 out of 10 opportunities for further detailing in phase 2. The client requested UC to prepare a detailed strategic business plan for the following three opportunities:

  • Last Mile Delivery Using Light Commercial Electric Vehicles
  • Legal Services – Leveraging the client’s internal team’s legal advisory capabilities to offer various legal services to small and medium enterprises across India.
  • Skill Development – Offering skill development services through various government initiatives and private players.

Our Approach

UC carried out the project using the strategy cascade approach:

  1. Where to Play: Identified and prioritised various sub-segments within each opportunity by assessing market size and competitive dynamics.
    • Last Mile Delivery: Identified target cities and customer segments.
    • Legal Services: Defined services, target cities, and customer segments.
    • Skill Development: Focused on government (state/central) initiatives, states, and specific skill segments.
  2. How to Win: Determined the key success factors for each identified customer segment.
    • Understand Customer Requirements: Identified specific needs and preferences of target customers.
    • Analyze Competition: Assessed how competitors are succeeding in these segments.
    • Identify Key Capabilities: Determined essential capabilities needed to win in the identified segments.
  3. Building Capabilities: Identified the necessary resources to develop the critical capabilities.
    • Resource Requirements: Detailed the resources needed to build and sustain the required capabilities.
  4. Earning Returns: Outlined the financial aspects of the opportunities.
    • Investment Requirement: Estimated the initial investment needed.
    • Revenue Plan: Developed a comprehensive revenue plan.
    • Proforma Financial Statements: Created projected financial statements.

Our Impact

Through the engagement, the client was able to derive the following:

  • A high-level business plan.
  • A detailed business plan built at the sub-segment and city level.
  • An implementation plan.
  • An organisational structure.
  • The client has already started working on some of the recommended initiatives