Knowledge Ark

04 February, 2023
Early Dx crucial to winning the war against cancer - confluence of Dx and Rx drives improved patient outcomes
Early detection, especially screening for hereditary cancers, will be crucial to win the war against cancer. The confluence of diagnostics and therapies, aided by precision diagnostics and targeted therapies, promises improved patient outcomes
31 January, 2023
Antimicrobial Resistance - An increasing health challenge
The Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) menace, and the attendant drug resistance challenge, will drive key stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem to reimagine their Dx and Rx portfolios along with a sharpened focus on protocols for prevention and management
15 November, 2022
Route-to-Market (RTM) Framework
UC’s route-to-market (RTM) framework enables our clients to surmount RTM challenges to drive sustainable business impact. We help companies reimagine their RTM plans and reinvigorate their performance by implementing an integrated approach across the sales and distribution landscape.
05 November, 2022
Program Management Office (PMO) framework
A structured implementation program using a Program Management Office (PMO) framework delivers, fundamentally, a “single version of truth”. From this baseline a PMO driven implementation agenda delivers the rationale for stretch goals, accountability, standardisation, alignment, and clear visibility of benefits.
29 September, 2022
Channel Playbook Methodology ”Channel/1”.
We have developed a comprehensive “channel playbook” which provides a blueprint for effective channel management. The tools and frameworks defined as a part of the playbook has been implemented across various multinational and Indian companies.
07 July, 2022
The benefits of a PMO driven Implementation
70% of strategies fail implementation. Organisations fail to realise the benefits of their strategies / strategic initiatives due to a combination of factors, including an unactionable strategy due to lack of buy-in, lack of organisational alignment and a poor monitoring mechanism. Underpinning this failure is the absence of a rigorous implementation architecture that drives accountability for results. A structured implementation program using a Program Management Office (PMO) framework delivers, fundamentally, a “single version of truth”. From this baseline a PMO driven implementation agenda delivers the rationale for stretch goals, accountability, standardisation, alignment and clear visibility of benefits. Role of the PMO and the implementation architecture are typically impacted by goals and outcomes expected. Outcomes expected drive complexity, size of teams and the change management effort.
26 April, 2022
Minimizing Product Expiry
Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly facing issues in managing product expiries. Lack of a streamlined S&OP process, limited visibility of stocks at distributors / stockist and lack of a structured mechanism to identify and liquidate near expiry stock are some of the key reasons for high expiries. Ineffective expiry management leads to significant revenue and bottom-line impact.
31 March, 2021
Treatment compliance is a key challenge in the management of chronic diseases
Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly facing issues in managing product expiries. Lack of a streamlined S&OP process, limited visibility of stocks at distributors / stockist and lack of a structured mechanism to identify and liquidate near expiry stock are some of the key reasons for high expiries. Ineffective expiry management leads to significant revenue and bottom-line impact.
“Operations Strategy – Minimizing Product Expiries” outlines industry benchmarks, strategic initiatives that needs to be implemented to minimise product expiries and our approach for the same.
30 September, 2021
Winning the OTC/OTX Game
Globally there is a significant shift towards self-medication and the world is moving towards the concept of self-care. This trend is driving the growth of global OTC segment in developed and emerging markets. UC’s recent engagements clearly indicate similar trends in India.
UC has developed a paper “Winning the OTC/OTX Game”, which illustrates emerging opportunities and strategies to win in the segment. The paper stresses the need for Pharma companies to develop a deep understanding of therapy categories laid out on a continuum from sustenance to acute relief. This would include knowing their inherent characteristics including prevalence of a condition, consumer understanding and the prevalent practice of proactive self-medication, which in the Indian context is largely influenced by ‘home remedies’ and a history of a medical practitioner’s prescription for the condition being addressed. Further, the paper outlines a 6-point agenda, which Pharma companies can adopt to create a compelling OTC/OTX value proposition.
05 October, 2021
Treatment compliance is a key challenge in the management of chronic diseases
Life Science companies should increasingly optimise treatment regimens with differentiated offerings to reduce, or manage, the growing ‘pill burden’. This should drive favourable patient outcomes, drive HCP satisfaction, and bring India closer to global average on adherence / compliance.
30 September, 2021
Rx to OTX Pharmaceuticals Transitioning Strategy
Pharma companies who are strategically evaluating the potential of developing an OTC/OTX portfolio would benefit from a nuanced approach, especially around the formulation, positioning for indication(s) and associated branding efforts. Time to market considerations including in-licensing efforts, own vs third party manufacturing and GTM planning are crucial to success.
15 September, 2021
Life Science Digital Transformation Architecture
Life Science companies need to clearly articulate digital value propositions for their key stakeholders while developing their digital architectures. Doing so across a disease management continuum will allow for specific, digital architectural components to be developed. Winning the digital strategy wars will require organisations to smartly manage the interface between technology, people, and processes to provide their stakeholders with a truly transformative and compelling digital experience.
14 September, 2021
Battling the Diabetes Challenge
India’s diabetes burden is set to increase significantly over the next 25 years. Battling the challenge will require increased and improved efforts towards screening and diagnosis. Reimagining treatment pathways and choices, along with innovative digital strategies for disease management will be critical.
06 August, 2021
Sustainable Differentiation Strategies for Life Science Companies
Life Science companies are increasingly differentiating their strategies with sustainability practices aimed at reducing their carbon footprint, optimising the usage of natural resources, creating sustainable product compositions and developing responsible as well as sustainable supply chains.
21 July, 2021
Building of a MedTech Major Three Phased Strateg
Having achieved dominance in global markets, MedTech majors are now deploying their ‘third wave of strategy’ which will see more focus on shaping healthcare outcomes, forward integration into services, business model and delivery innovations.
14 July, 2021
Increasing Adoption of Healthcare Companies
Health practitioners are seeing a rapid increase in patients with chronic disorders like stress and fatigue over the past years. Increasingly, alternative therapies are being adopted as adjunct strategies to manage chronic conditions, even as consumers are pro-actively choosing alternative therapies to enhance general well-being.
09 June, 2021
Refurbished Medical Equipment: Market - shaping Strategies
The global pandemic has forced a rethink on the state of public health and the cost of healthcare. Refurbished equipment provides a reliable, cost effective solution to delivering healthcare in highly challenged developing markets. Market-shaping strategies by Life Science & Medical Technology companies are critical to driving large scale adoption in India and other regional, developing markets.
24 March, 2021
Therapy Leadership Strategies - Assessing Digital Readiness
Driving digital strategies to attain therapy area leadership is critical for Life Science companies. To achieve this objective, a better understanding is needed of patient disease awareness, possible social stigma, access to health care practitioners and to digital tools, as well as the impact on the quality of life.
09 March, 2021
Rx to OTX Pharmaceuticals Portfolio Assessment
In developing their OTC/OTX portfolios, Pharma companies would benefit from a nuanced understanding of therapy categories laid out on a continuum from sustenance to acute relief. Not all categories lend themselves equally to an OTC/OTX play. This would include understanding their inherent characteristics including prevalence of a condition, consumer understanding and the prevalent practice of proactive self-medication, which in the Indian context is largely influenced by a history of a medical practitioner’s prescription for the condition being addressed.
September 2019
Indian Healthcare Innovation Landscape
The Indian Healthcare Landscape will gradually be transformed by disruptive startup’s with their innovative ideas, as well as traditional incumbents that are experimenting with newer approaches to creating and delivering health products and services. This UC Executive Summary on “Healthcare Innovation in India” sets out the key innovation themes and broad trends in the areas of Diagnostics, Medical Technology and Digital Health. The shifting and shuffling of the healthcare industry landscape has clearly begun.
September 2019
India’s Evolving Dairy Landscape
India’s Evolving Dairy Landscape captures the snapshot of Value Added Dairy Products (VADP) in Indian dairy industry, in the recent times. Although the VADP size and share in overall dairy market has rapidly increased since 2008, EBITDA margins do vary significantly.
For more information on our Crop Science & Food consulting practice
June 2018
Competing with 'Generics'
The Indian Pharma Market is witnessing a drive towards “genericisation”. Developed and emerging markets have evolved towards genericisation. Further, genericisation may drive consolidation; many small players may not be able to survive the stringent regulations, while large players will strengthen generics presence through acquisitions.
For more information on our Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology consulting practice
23 November, 2017
Emerging Healthcare Landscape of India
Emerging Healthcare Landscape of India: The healthcare landscape of India is rapidly evolving and transforming. In this Executive Summary, UC sets out the market dynamics and regulatory changes that are impacting Pharmaceuticals, Medical Technology, Diagnostics, Institutions and Digital Health.
For more information on our MedTech consulting practice
15 March, 2012
Accountability: Angst, Awareness, Action
India is poised at a crucial juncture in its post-independence history. Accountability, the heartbeat of governance, is under siege. The epidemic of unaccountability lurks beneath India’s myriad tragedies, conquering the spirit of the citizen and con-straining India from unlocking its full economic and social potential.
For more information on this book
7 July, 2011
Saving Lives – The Promise of Point of Care Testing
The past few years have heralded much excitement around the uses of Point of Care Testing (PoCT). With advancements in electronics, the miniaturisation and digitisation of technology has spilled over into the realm of medical diagnostics. Through portable, transportable and handheld instruments, PoCT is the ability to bring the diagnostic capabilities of a laboratory to the patients’ bedsides. It is effectively a potential solution to some of the health problems that India faces, especially in the context of the heavy burden of infectious diseases that plagues it and its large rural population with limited or no access to testing facilities.
For more information on our Life Sciences consulting practice
29 September, 2009
The Future of Indian Biosimilars
The evolutionary pressure to merge the boundaries between pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in order to survive, is increasing. The current view on the Indian biosimilars industry is that at some point in the near future, it will replicate the relative success of the Indian pharma generics industry, in the global markets. The reality may turn out to be quite different. A deep chasm lies ahead for Indian biosimilar manufacturers.
For more information on our Life Sciences consulting practice